Reader´s Letters and Statements on a German Daily Newspaper

Media, History of Media, World Politics, War, Iraq, Germany, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Near East, Putin, Schröder, Scharon, Stein (Ambassador of Israel in Germany), Arafat, Möllemann, Hohmann (member of the German Bundestag), Fischer (foreign minister of Germany), Welteke, a german daily newspaper named "Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung", Vodaphone, Mannesmann, Jesus Christ, Mel Gibson, George W. Bush, John Kerry, Skull & Bones, Presidential Election, Osama Bin Laden, "Terrorism", EU-Constitution, Bertelsmann, Venusberg-Report, Think-Tanks, World War II, Poland, Europressedienst, Activists for Peace, Ukraine, Presidential Election, Orange Revolution, Viktor Juschtschenko, Katherine Juschtschenko, US State Department, Madelaine Albright, Miss Körbel, Albright Act, National Democratic Institute, Worldbank of the OSZE, Kutschma, Janukowitsch, James Woolsey, CIA, Milosewitsch, Schewardnadse, Lebanon, Hariri, Assassination, Assault, Murder, Bush visit in Germany, Bush visit in Mainz, Hippe, Bomb-Holocaust, Allied Bombardment of German Cities, Dresden, Gay-Matrimony, History, Guido Knopp, Professor of History, time witness, Documentation, Fiction, Presidential Election in Iran, Ahmadinedschad, Wolfowitz, Chatami, World Bank, British Civilian Population, Refusal of the EU-Constitution, Terrorist Attack, Attack, London, G8-Summit, Wim & Gretta Duisenberg, New Election in Germany, Fraudulent Election, Merkel, Schäuble, World Youth Festival, Cologne, Pope Benedikt XVI., Indulgence, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Federal Administration Court, International Conference, Teheran, The World without Zionism, Drugs, Ecstasy, Piranha Media, Aljazeera, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, Bild-Zeitung, Der Stern (German magazines), Fidel Castro, Jacques Chirac, Grand Orient, Nuclear weapons, Nuke, Nuclear bomb, Cartoons, Mohammed, "Alliance for Education", german ministry for family affairs, Von der Leyen, Soccer World-Cup, Lebanon-Conflict, War in Lebanon, Zionism, Hesbollah, Hamas, German Army to Lebanon, Wieczorek-Zeul, Edmund Stoiber, Gabriele Pauli, Günther Beckstein, Horst Seehofer, Peter Hartz, Kurt Beck, McCain, Bomb Iran, Sarrazin, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Atom-bomb.

german version - back to german version - german version

- The german version of this website will be updated in irregular intervals (1-3 weeks) -
last update of the german version:
September 01, 2011.

This website contains statements on several articles and editorial comments of the german daily newspaper "Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung, MAZ". Each statement has been sent to the newspaper as a reader´s comment. The statements refer to different themes and events in current world politics. Despite the variety of these themes, the interested reader of daily newspapers is able to recognize a comment context, especially the tendentious reports of western media concerning these themes.
The english sample version of this website contains a translation of a single original statement sent to the newspaper. Further updates of the english version are planned. The reader is kindly requested to be lenient to the author, if english might be imperfect sometimes. Free speech with imperfect grammar is better than perfect manipulation by media ! Let´s get international and be invited to read in the language of those, who reject brain washing in their country.

A German.

Sample of the german version:

Editorial comment "What the children see"

The germans were demonstrating on the street against the politics of the proponents of a war in Iraq. Even young pupils were demonstrating. An editorial comment appeared in the MAZ on March 31, 2003 with the heading "What the children see". The aim to degrade the demonstrating pupils was intensified by the ironic coating of this comment, which culminated in the sentence: «There would be many arguments to shut the children up». The reader´s statement on this comment was published in the MAZ on April 12, 2003:

A keyword given on the way
What the demonstrating children see ? - before the war: unavailing attempts of the local media to describe politically responsible antiwar campaigners as being isolated; afterwards a war against public international law with the first aim to kill the leaders of the assaulted country; now an ironically coated comment, in which they (the children) are said to belong to the «don´t care-generation of Pisa-loosers», who are «leaving mum and dad in order to demonstrate» and who lack the «thankfullness of the older people to liberators» (what ?!).
However, the most important thing the children see: How much the whole ideologic and intellectual building must be brought into question - a building which is served to them in part by means of such editorial comments. Anyhow, a good keyword was given our children on their way: «liberation».

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